


Gourmet is a gastronomic concept associated with haute cuisine and the culture of good food. The word, as such, is a French voice that derives from gourmand, which means ‘love for good food’, which, in turn, comes from goût, ‘taste’, ‘taste’. Formerly, gourmet referred specifically to a gourmet, that is, a person with high knowledge in culinary art, delicate taste and exquisite palate, educated in the most refined cuisine, and with a unique ability to taste and distinguish flavors, textures, fineness and quality in food and beverages (mainly alcoholic). Gourmet is a gastronomic concept associated with haute cuisine and the culture of good food. The word, as such, is a French voice that derives from gourmand, which means ‘love for good food’, which, in turn, comes from goût, ‘taste’, ‘taste’.

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